Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why I Quit My Job. (My journey to radical simplicity)

Yesterday was the last day of school for the year.  I have been looking forward to this day for many months now. In November, I took a position as a personal aide to a special needs child in a public school. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. I have worked for over 20 years with children of all skill levels and abilities, but nothing like this have I ever come across.  It pushed me both physically and mentally and challenged my teaching skills, forcing me to grow outside of my comfort zone.  This is usually a good thing, however, pushing myself physically caused my fibromyalgia to rear up its ugly head.  I was constantly sick, in great pain and drained mentally.  I had very little to no time  or energy to spend with my family or on the things I love: homemaking, baking, creating, gardening, reading, exploring and worship. I stopped spending quiet time with God in the mornings, I stopped making plans to expand my business and our homesteading. I stopped cooking from scratch and clean eating.  It all STOPPED!  The exact opposite of what I want to do, what my Dear Hubby and I planned from the time we met.  A few weeks ago, after great discussion, the DH and I decided we would hand over the finances (once again) to God and allow Him to lead and take control.  It is usually me that wants to take them back.  I am blessed with a man who knows God will not let us starve or go without.  I too know this in my heart, but sometimes let my head get in the way. 
     So today begins the RE-start of my journey to radical simplicity.  A re-boot if you will.  Our journey may make some think we are making things too complicated.  I want to begin grinding my own Non-Gmo grains for bread. I want to hang my laundry on the line again. I want to grow our own food, or at least know exactly where it came from ( and yes, probably pay more for it). I want to cook with a wood stove or over an open fire.  Some might consider buying everything premade from the local HUGE store as simplifying. Doing it myself gives me a sense of peace and harmony with what God has given us. To me.......That is radical!  Have a blessed day.